
22 mins
Bahasa Malaysia
Shafie Dris

The orang Asli population which consists of 18 tribes makes up of only about 0.65% of the 30 million total population in Malaysia. The culture and life of the orang asli is strongly tied to the land and its environment. The British colonizers then introduced Act 134 which was supposed to protect the orang asli from the communist threat then. But in fact this Act actually took away the right of the orang asli to land and gave more power to the authorities to control their land. This film highlights several examples of land cases in different parts of Malaysia and the struggle of the orang asli network, the JKOASM to defend their ancestral lands including their relentless efforts to advocate their case to the different government bodies and the national human rights committee.

Filem ini menceritakan beberapa contoh kes tanah di Malaysia dan perjuangan Jaringan Kampung Orang Asli Semenanjung Malaysia (JKOASM): satu rangkaian orang asli, dalam mempertahankan tanah adat mereka. Ini termasuk usaha gigih mereka untuk membela kes mereka kepada badan-badan kerajaan yang berbeza dan Suruhanjaya Hak Asasi Manusia selepas Akta 134 diperkenalkan oleh penjajah British. Akta ini sepatutnya melindungi Orang Asli daripada ancaman pengaruh musuh komunis di masa itu tetapi sbenarnya memberikan lebih kuasa kepada pihak berkuasa untuk mengawal tanah mereka.
